August was a month full of stepping stones here in my little slice of Heaven.
First, I celebrated my 5 year wedding anniversary with the most amazing person I know. He inspires me, he lifts me up, and embraces all my ADD tendencies with a little bit of grace and a whole lot of humor. If you told me I would be where I am now, five years ago I never would have believed it. In that short time we graduated from college, moved across the country twice, change jobs three times, lost some very dear family members, we watched friends get married and saw a 30 year marriage fall apart, we had two beautiful boys, and turned a house into a home. And those are just the big things. Everyday we experience something new. Five years ago I had my ideal that didn't involve half of those things, but each stepping stone we've tread has made us stronger as individuals and as partners. The only thing I knew five years ago, is that we would still be moving forward, together.

Speaking of this guy... he's also reached a major milestone in August. One year ago my husband decided that he was going to make a major life change. He was going to do something that he (and I) never thought he would do. He took up running. Now for some this is not really a major thing, but for us this started an absolutely amazing transformation. My husband made the decision that he wanted to be around long enough to watch his kids grow up, and took matters into his own hands, er feet. If you'd like to, you can read about it
here. He celebrated his one year ''runniversary'' this month, and is planning on running a marathon in October. Way to go babe, I am so proud of you!