So as far as this past week was concerned, cooking was successful, blogging was not. I realized that I have three dinners to tell you about, that I haven't even talked about. Tonight I will give you a taste of two of the meals, and will save the third for another night.
Meal number one, or rather
232: Chicken Sausage with Fennel and Onions, was moderately successful. Try as I may, I could not find fennel. I searched three different grocery stores and to no avail. I didn't think it would be so hard to find, I am wondering if it's not in season- any clue? So anyway, I made the sausage and onions as per the recipe and then added some bacon-y brussel sprouts and crusty bread to round out the meal. I suppose that it only sort of counts since one of the three ingredients in the recipe was missing, but I don't think I will repeat this one since it was just a quickie that we make on a variation on a very frequent basis (like for dinner tonight we had sausage with mac and cheese).

Earlier in the week I made meal number
104: Garlic and Herb Chicken and Romesco Sauce for my hubs and bro. It. Was. Awesome! There is this fantasticly spicy sauce made with roasted red peppers, tomato, and garlic. It was really tasty and even had a bit of a kick to it, which was even appreciated by our two year old. It was really fast to make, just throw everything in a food processor and let it go then serve it over the cooked chicken (which did take a bit of time). I was supposed to serve it over spicy arugula greens, but decided to instead serve it over some spaghetti. It will definitely be on the list of repeats, excellent!

Well there you have it. One more post and I will be all caught up, but that will have to wait for another day. See you next time, happy eating!